matahari jangan tidure, nanti hilang belang (a piece for the masses)
2019 is the year for trying new things for me. We all try new things every year of course. But 2019 is quickly becoming a larger departure from the usual I guess.
First there’s my new job as Creative Director at Malaysiakini, after spending 5 years with RTV Malaysia, Nuffnang. Malaysiakini is a brand new world for me -click here to read a recent post about what I’m doing at Malaysiakini. And now there's this -
'Matahari', 22 to 25 Aug 2019. Stay tuned.
Stay tuned to me or Theatresauce for updates.
Read on for more of why this is new for me.
I’ve been involved in the local theatre scene as an actor since 2003. Over the years, I’ve experienced ups & downs in terms of how active I am in the scene. Some years are more active than others. But I’ve never participated in devised theatre before.
What is ‘devised theatre’?
Devised theatre - frequently called collective creation - is a method of theatre-making in which the script or (if it is a predominantly physical work) performance score originates from collaborative, often improvisatory work by a performing ensemble. - wikipedia.
Confession: I’ve largely avoided getting involved with devised theatre works because I never thought I was good enough to do it.
Acting in a piece of established creative script that has been researched, work-shopped and developed over time is hard enough. To create something from scratch with a bunch of people and then put on a show? I just couldn’t fathom it before.
What’s changed you may ask?
Am I good enough now? Truth is, I don’t think I will ever think I’m ‘good enough’. But the thing that’s changed is that I now believe that wherever I am as an actor or creative person, I have something to offer.
Perhaps that’s better than being ‘good enough’.
If you’ve read this far into this post. Firstly, thank you. Secondly, leave me a comment or drop me a message with :
1. Do you want to collaborate and create something with me? Let’s talk.
2. Is there a piece of work that I’ve acted in or produced that you’ve liked? Do share. I’d love to hear your thoughts. Good and bad.
Hope to see you at the show!